Alphonso - organically grown
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1. 1 dozen Alphonso Mangoes (12 pcs)
2. Each mango is above 135-189 grams in size
Being a native of India and Burma, mango later spread to other Southeast Asian countries and even reached California. Mango is the most consumed freshly cut fruit in the world. records of mango trees are found in the epics from India dated to 5000 years back. Summer in the western and southern parts of India is incomplete without eating farm-fresh mangoes (Amba). The mango tree also is considered a sacred one for Hindus. Often the leaves of the mango tree are strung in marigold garlands to decorate homes and door frames on religious occasions or weddings. Healthy and 100% organically grown Alphonso mangoes help in regulating diabetes, fighting cancer, cleansing skin.