Organic Black Sesame
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We all are very familiar to sesame, but black sesame? Yes, the miraculous and incredible organic black sesame; let us find out how. Black sesame is native to Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The black colored skin or hull is retained which makes it more crispy and imparts a strong smoky and nutty flavor. The sesame seed pods burst open naturally when ripe and thus are related to the famous phrase "open sesame" from Arabian Nights stories. They have high oil content and it usually does not go rancid easily. They find an important niche in Chinese herbal medicine.
As said earlier, the hull is retained and it has more antioxidants and calcium. Organic black sesame is a good source of minerals like zinc, calcium, and vitamins riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, E, and iron. It is recommended in Ayurved that chewing and eating black sesame regularly improves gum and teeth strength. They are undoubtedly rich in fiber and phytochemicals and are known to delay aging signs and improve skin health. The high calcium content keeps the bones strong.
Used primarily for decorative purpose. Add flavor to pastries, pasta, or cupcakes. How can you just miss on such a simple, affordable, tiny yet magical health booster available at your doorsteps? Just order your fingertips to order organic black sesame online. You can add them raw or roasted in daily sweet or spicy recipes in combination with lemon, honey, or garlic and just can't escape the tasty black sesame wizard.
Type Organic Grocery