Organic Coconut Oil
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Organic coconut oil is obtained from the fruit of Cocus nucifera, the only living species. Practically, all parts of a coconut tree are useful to us in one way or other. Coconut butter is used in making many cosmetics and gels. Not only the fruit, but the whole plant is used to produce different products. Coconut tree may have a long lifespan, as long as 100 years. Coconut palm is the national tree of the Maldives. During World War II, coconut water infusion was given to soldiers to treat dehydration.
Coldpressed Organic Coconut Oil may improve fat loss due to its content of medium chain fatty acids which are easier to absorb and burn. Certified healthy Orgpick organic coconut oil contains no cholesterol. On the contrary, with its natural phytosterols and saturated fats, it helps increase good HDL cholesterol and reduces overall blood cholesterol levels. Natural, cold presse, healthy Orgpick organic coconut oil has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. It promotes healing when applied on burns. Oil pulling with a spoonful of organic coconut oil helps getting rid of oral bacteria. Best quality organic coconut oil is a great moisturizer.
Pure Orgpick coldpressed coconut oil can be used to make lip balm, face mask, and eye makeup remover. If you want to lose weight, have food cooked in organic coconut oil for best results. Furthermore, metabolism and immune system booster coconut coffee will make you feel refreshed. It's simple …just make your coffee and blend it with 2 teaspoonfuls of organic coconut oil.
Type Organic Grocery